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What is a value?

What is a value?

- What is a value?
"Something has value if it is important for a specific person."

- Can you give an example of something that is important for you? An example that illustrates your answer on the question "what is a value?"
"My friends are important for me; they are valuable."

- So the question "what is a value" can be answered "the friends of Emily"?
"No, of course not. My friends are not by definition of any value for other people. Having friends is valuable!"

- Having friends? So more than one?
"I have more than one friend. And I value having more than one friend. But having one good friend can also be valuable. Friendship is valuable."

- Can you explain why friendship is valuable? Is it valuable for something else?
"With a good friend you can talk about private issues. About your problems. If you're alone you will probably suppress your frustration and feel more miserable. To have a good life requires that you can express your frustrations. And that you can tell someone about your victories."

- So, you cannot live a good life if you cannot tell someone about your victories?
"That is right."

- Does this imply that hermits can never have a good life?
"Maybe they can have a good life but I do not think that they live a happy life. "

- Because without friends you can never happy?
"I would be very sad if I had no friends. In general, I think this is true for everyone."

- And that's it what makes friendship a value for you?
"That is what makes a friendship valuable for me. Friendships are important.


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"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of ones values."

~ Ayn Rend


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