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Hello and welcome to!

My name is Sem Warringa. This blog is about my journey towards a valuable life. It is about the joys and the struggles. It is about the lessons I have learned.

I am a teacher (stoic ethics, philosophy, philosophy for children) and since 2008 I am dedicated to living valuable and promoting positive values. For that reason, I talk everyday with colleagues, students and strangers about values and virtues. To learn how to live valuable. My starting point is always my list of values. As you can read, there are many positive values. Yet, without any daily reflection living a valuable life is not possible. And that education is necessary (see the quote Burroughs at the bottom of this page). Sometimes I talk for an hour, sometimes for 5 minutes. To philosophize with a small p (see video of Dr. Thomas Jackson). To inspire and to get inspired.

One of the outcomes of my talks is this website. Disclaimer: many contributions as the reports of the conversations with my students are recorded by my students as they took place (without any adjustments on my part). I would like to thank my students for this!!

I live my life inspiring and encouraging others to find more life by achieving their own values. I have told my stories on several shows and have spoken to groups of several ages and size. Contact me if you're also interested. I do not charge a fee for my public speaking other than basic travel and lodging expenses. I have learned that earning money has nothing to do with living valuable. Meeting people, being happy, that is my goal. The advertisements on this blog are for website expenses (moderating, hosting, web traffic, design costs, ...)

More on Sem?
I can imagine that you want to know more about me. But I value a certain privacy. Just like my students in their contributions. Indeed, privacy is number #243 on my list. Right next to naivety? :-)
Contact via Twitter or mail. Students can contact me via their student email address.

It is not allowed to reuse, reprint, etc. any material from this blog. Yet, it is allowed to feel motivated by this blog and to search for your own personal values, your family values or your professional values. Comments are welcome!

what are values | EduBlog

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Our motto
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of ones values."

~ Ayn Rend


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