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List of values: happiness

Today we are talking about number 160 on our list of values: happiness. David, what is happiness?
"When you're happy, everything is going alright. You are pleased with how your life is going."

Does the first part of your answer on the question "what is happiness" implies that happiness is an all-or-nothing state? When everything is o.k. then you're happy. But when one thing is not alright then you're not happy anymore?
"No! You can also be more and less happy."

More and less happy? I don't understand. Can you give an example?
"Last weekend I was happy. I went to the zoo with my parents. I enjoyed the trip very much. At the end I even got a present. So the whole day I was happy but when I got that present I even was 'more happy'. Unfortunately, at home there was no time for me to play with my new toy. At that moment I was still happy, yet less happy."

Given this example, were you at your highest happiness when you got that gift?
"Maybe. I don't know. I was very happy. But it is possible to imagine something extra in which I was even more happier then. If I had gotten for example, two gifts. But to be honest I don´t know. I was very happy. Maybe an extra gift would not make me more happy. Now that I think about it I think happiness does have a limit."

Your answer on my question What Is Happiness was "when everything is going alright" Is this still alright?
"No. Happiness is a state where you feel alright. A state that has a maximum."


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Our motto
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of ones values."

~ Ayn Rend


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