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List of values: the value open-mindedness

Sophia, what do you think that open-mindedness means?
"That your always open-minded!"

Ok, but what does it mean to have an open-mind? It has something to do with brain-surgery?
"Ha, nooooo, you should not take it literally. It means that you are open to the ideas and suggestions of other people. That you do not always hold on to your own position."

"I think that you can always be open-minded. Because it does not mean that you always have to agree with everybody."

Hold on to your own position; ok. Can you give an example of a moment you were open-minded?
"I am always open-minded!"

Ok, so it must be easy to give an example.
"Uhm, ok, I do not think it is a problem that gay-people want to marry. If people are in love they should have the opportunity to marry. It doesn't matter if both are men or women."

An interesting topic! But are you also open-minded to people who do not agree with you? People who want to prevent gays from getting married?
"Sometimes. If they have a good argument I would probably listen. But till today I have not heard a good argument. Love will win!"

So open-mindedness also implies being open-minded to the arguments of other people?
"For me, yes. I think that you can always be open-minded. Because it does not mean that you always have to agree with everybody."


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~ Ayn Rend


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