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A list of 10 family values

There are several lists with family values and morals on the Internet, but none of them seem to satisfy. The main problem is that many of these lists also focus - more on less - on religious values. Naturally, these religious values and morals can be important for an individual.l Yet, as family values are the ideas how to live a family life, many people do not automatically connect family values with religion or God. It should also be possible to have a good family life without a religious foundation, they argue.

List of family values

For many years, I asked my students what family values they think are imporant. I admit the scientific foundation is meager but the following family values are often mentioned.

1. Love

2. Honesty

3. Respect

4. Trust

5. Loyalty

6. (Jointly) Fun

7. Sharing

8. Independence / individuality

9. Fairness

10. Positivity

Family value number 8, indepedence always surprises me. But, so is often the explanation, to be a good family also implies moments of independence. For possibilities to be on your own. To be yourself.

Finally, I am always interested in your list: is the above list of family values allright?

Our motto
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of ones values."

~ Ayn Rend


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